Thursday, June 25, 2009

A little more information

I've had a few questions about blood donations to Iran's Red Crescent. After speaking with the director of my local Red Cross, I can confirm that the US cannot send blood to Iran. Blood donations in the US can be circulated around the US in times of crises, but that blood never leaves the country.

I have several other questions for the Red Cross/Red Crescent, but have been unable to reach the people with answers as yet. Hopefully they will return my calls soon, and I'll have more info.

In the meantime, I have been assured that donations made by mail, phone, or in person to your local chapter of the Red Cross can be sent to Iran's Red Crescent.

If you can't send money, you can still help by sending out this information to the people who do have money. Infopimp for Iran!


Unknown said...


Wanted to email you but you don't have EIP.

Check out this thread:

Might be able to get some coordination going with chopit and others.

Alacritous said...

Nice work, housewife. :-)

General Katy said...

K. Brant, thanks for the link!

Mandamus, thank you!

Pinknightmare21 said...

you might try contacting Amnesty International too. They might have ideas of some things that can be done. I am not sure if their donations go directly where you want and they can be political, whereas Red cross/crescent are not.

I admire your persistence:)
/also a housewife

General Katy said...

Pinknightmare21, thanks - I've been looking into other groups that work in Iran. I'm amazed at how few there are. Most of them are along the lines of "Give us money and we'll look at people really hard" variety... groups that focus more on "raising awareness" rather than tangible work. I'm a little old fashioned about this, but I feel that there is more use in giving out water and blankets than writing press releases that no one will read.

Sorry, I'm grumpy today.

I'll have to wait until Monday to make more calls, but I hope to have more information soon.

Pinknightmare21 said...

I agree how frustrating that is, I don't want to send money to people that are doing nothing but staring hard, either... But they may have ideas,or connections. Shoot, Oprah may be a good idea, lol, she's all about helping people. I wonder if the Peace core or Doctors w/o borders, may be a better fit. Geese it sure can't be that hard to drop a few boxes of MRES, waterbottles, and blankets from a U.N. Helicopter, right?
sorry if I am just giving you ideas you already have... I am kinda sketchy about actively doing anything, but if I can help with ideas...